"The Wind of Spring" Festival


A. MalykhA., Bludov, V. Serdiukov

1999: "Î-pudalo" (that is, ”scarecrow”). It's authors are – Andrey Bludov, Vitaly Serdiukov, Aleksandr Popravka, Katerina Korneichuk, Aleksey Malykh and many, many others. Attraction of everybody who is willing to participate; even it they don't realize it; spontaneity and full freedom; a large number of objects – from dummies to wind vanes; precepts of the theory of “O-pudalo science” were developed by O. Sidor-Gibilinda. Among them are the following: “Make yourself an Idol Terrible”, “Be Scared”, “Fly up in Your Thoughts” etc. etc.

What is a game?
"Every game means making the state of game",
Gadimer uttered choking. “It is necessary to swim if you want to learn to swim” responded Chairman Mao from far away.
Naive! Could they think that in a far-away Ukraine “o-pudalism” would come into existence so dashingly?
Just the same it has come up.
It's symptoms are too notorious to chant them, but they are too benign to keep them quiet.
Be amazed, gentlemen jurymen. Nothing prevents anybody from joining them. As the destiny of a “new art” is resolved here and now. Hills – are our squares, scarecrow – is our monuments. Thoroughly making faces you assist in firm footstep of contemporary art Installation – sounds proudly.

Theoretical basis of “O-pudalo science”.
Precept 1. Make yourself an idol terrible with infernal grin and ardent eyes.
Precept 2. Be scared as it is good.
Precept 3. Make a deep breath and girdle yourself with a rope as a perfectly wise.
Precept 4. Fly up in your thoughts above scarecrowdom of people to crystal of the sky.
Precept 5. Call crows and jackdaws, and with them other feathered
Precept 6. For their scattering shortly after.
Precept 7. Having grumbled through thoughtlessness, overthrow your idols to dung.
Precept 8. Once again I tell you, make yourself an idol scarecrowlike.
Precept 9. New.
Precept 10. Terrible!